Page name: Stay At MySpace [Logged in view] [RSS]
2012-02-15 03:42:58
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Stay At Myspace

I know there are probably several variations of this sort of wiki, but my frustration continues to rise at the annoying people who come here seeking friends. These people have nothing to contribute but usually bad pics of themselves asking what we think of them and nothing original in their house. I say we take a stand and tell these losers to stay where they belong: at MySpace. Elftown is a site for artists/writers, not an online friends bar, STOP TREATING IT AS SUCH!! If you share my feelings, please join and link back to this wiki in your house.

NOTE: This does not mean I am against people making friends here, far from it! I am simply against people who come here SOLELY for that. Please show your support by linking back to us!

1. [Chaotic Serenity]
2. [Raesha]
3. [Saphira]
4. [Fearathress]
5. [Thrice]
6. [XxTsomexX]
7. [FrankoPhWN]
8. [Nike Laos]
9. [1BadassWarrior]
10. [Love and Chaos]
11. [the loved wolf]
12. [Jitter]
13. [Cia_mar]
14. [Vou]
15. [DeadSockMonster]
17. [SpiritOfTheWater]
18. [nopenope]
19. [{SaRcAsTiC *lOsS *oF* tHe *SuBcOnSiOuS*}]
20. [neoqueen serenity]
21. [{*Suna's Kazekage*} Gaara]
22. [.Toxic Valentine.]
23. [Duke Devlin]
24. [TheKingdomLight]
25. [*(.Randi.)*]
26. [Hobbit teen]
27. [Erubeus] Even though I have a myspace... =x
28. [silent_voice] I likerz this, *posts in diary*
29. [Roxcie] Can't stand those people -_-
30.[Aki Neko]Umm....note the "Fantasy" comunnity? Not "Welcome and join with everyperson you seee"Commnity!!!
31. [†Sweets†] I have a myspace, but only so i can keep in touch with some of my friends.
32. [Mordigen] - i have a myspace too....but thats just it, i leave my BULLSHIT on my muspace, and my art on ET...duh, this isn't a cyber brothrel....
33. [Angel In Red] I dont have myspace.. but even i know to keep the rubbish in my head to a limit, so yeah... guess this wiki rocks... why? Because The Red said so.
34. [Nevermore.] arrrrg!
35. [Ansem]
36. [The Dark Wolf] why you say?... CUSE MYSPACE SUX!!!!!
37. [Vampire Akis] Yep yep Silenty's right ^^
38. [~`~Wolf~`~] I might have a myspace, but that's only to talk to the friends who aren't into fantasy as much as I am. And these people who are here that don't deserve to be are starting to piss me off.
39. [*Night_Shade*] Bah.
40. [Glassphyxie.]
41. [Silver Moon] I hate it when you see polls like: "Do you think i am Hot?" It's sick and usually the answer is NO! I think you are an ass for asking!
42. [Piercedskull] I dont have a myspace.I dont want one.But I agree with this wiki completely.
43. [Dark_Superman] I have one but only to stay in touch with some friends. But I agree as well, death to the sell out that is thus Tom.
44. [de Morte] I tried myspace awhile ago... but it sickened me so much that I had to delete the old account! If your friends are truly your friends then you can stay in contact WITHOUT myspace!
45.[alli.DEADFAYCE.] myspace whores go to myspace. elftown whore stay here. plan and simple.
46. [▲.] This is definitely a place for art, and since I'm an artist this just happens to be the place to be. However, even though MySpace has it's downs, it's still a lovely way to keep in contact. If you abuse the way you use the site, then so be it, some are likely to complain about it. I ask that people don't dis either site, since Elftown has it's own fair share of downs.
47. [Fetish Dolly Koneko™] I started at ET and then went to Myspace and I have enough brains to know where to keep certain things. I love them each for what they are and they should remain different places.
48. [loonygirl2005] AMEN TO THAT! This is a place for artist to actually reach out. Yes you have the option of posting art but they aren't really appricated unless you are famous. Myspace is a purely social place where anything goes but here. This is a sanctuary for all artists to express themselves without the need for cybering. So for those who need to be hot and compared to stars go do that on myspace.
49. [wicked fae mage] Perverts can stay at myspace to tell people they look hawt and wanna cyber. We're artists against perverts!
50. [the mad hatter2] who gets off to cybering? its really stupid
51. [MyAlterEgo] If I wanted to read that stupid shit, I'd be on myspace. I come here for a dose of humanity.
52. [*Phoenix*] Does anyone else find it funny that, at the beginning of member lists, no one makes a comment, then 1 person does and everyone after follows; therefore making the only way to be noticed to NOT put something even though the first person who has a comment was doing the opposite?
53. [Gypsy Mystik]- I agree.... I love being able to be creative here, truly creative.
54. [The Dizzy Raven]

Take Elftown Back

Username (or number or email):


2007-06-22 [the loved wolf]: yeah it would be really kool

2007-06-22 [SpiritOfTheWater]: Le's do it!

2007-06-22 [the loved wolf]: kool

2007-06-26 [Raesha]: when?! i want to know!

2007-06-26 [the loved wolf]: i don't know ask Spirit

2007-06-26 [Love and Chaos]: Hey just decide already! Shesh, ya'll make my head

2007-06-26 [the loved wolf]: lol

2007-06-26 [Raesha]: we must choose...

2007-06-26 [the loved wolf]: yeah

2007-06-28 [SpiritOfTheWater]: Now we have to party.
I just found out I may only have a few weeks left to live.
So I HAVE to party.
So, anytime soon would be great.
I'll bring the punch ^^

2007-06-28 [SpiritOfTheWater]: (And if you don't believe me, test my blood. It's too thick, I had a stroke Monday... It's in my diary)

2007-06-28 [Love and Chaos]: DAMN!!!!! Im sooooo sorry to hear that! How are you? Any Better?

2007-06-29 [SpiritOfTheWater]: I'm somewhat better, but I'm not allowed to drive or work or do school for a week (from monday) so I'm bored outta my mind. My town celebrates Independence Day early, so I have to have someone take me to see the fireworks. DAMN! lol
But, still. Need a party!
Cherry Kool-aid okay for punch? Maybe some vodka? :P

2007-06-29 [neoqueen serenity]: =) Hahahaha

2007-06-29 [SpiritOfTheWater]: Add your own spice!
Party starts tonight, ends Sunday morning when I kick you all off the floor! lol
Any music you want, just turn it on loud!
*drinks kool-aid and dances some more*

2007-06-29 [the loved wolf]: lol

2007-06-30 [Raesha]: *DANCE* i brought cookies!

2007-06-30 [SpiritOfTheWater]: I love cookies!
*drinks more kool-aid*

2007-06-30 [the loved wolf]: lol

2007-06-30 [Love and Chaos]: Hey pass the kool-aid! *Dances like crazy*

2007-06-30 [SpiritOfTheWater]: *turns the music up and hands Love a cup*

2007-07-01 [the loved wolf]: *looks at everybody dancing*

2007-07-02 [SpiritOfTheWater]: Wow. Quick party.
Too quick.
*keeps dancing*
I musta lost ten pounds by now!

2007-07-02 [Love and Chaos]: ALRIGHT!WOOT PARTY ALL NIGHT!!!!!!*Dances like a mad man with everyone looking at him like an idiot*

2007-07-03 [SpiritOfTheWater]: *laughs and joins, drinking 'tainted' punch* Delicioso!
But! I neyd more! Yah! *dances and turns up music*

2007-07-03 [Fearathress]: ...

2007-07-03 [neoqueen serenity]: Lol

2007-07-03 [Fearathress]: interesting

2007-07-03 [neoqueen serenity]: definelty

2007-07-03 [Fearathress]: lol YOu are a smart ass destiny.

2007-07-03 [neoqueen serenity]: lol. and u're a jackass ana ^.^

2007-07-05 [SpiritOfTheWater]: *smiles at people and wanders over
to table, scooping more punch into her cup*
Nobody's partying any more....

2007-07-05 [Fearathress]: Hahaha.. no am i am the evil bitch get it right. XD

*walks over to where [SpiritOfTheWater] is* PARTY!!!

2007-07-05 [SpiritOfTheWater]: *smiles and hugs quickly, then dances some more*

2007-07-05 [Fearathress]: *dances*

2007-07-05 [.Toxic Valentine.]: yay! can i dance with you *looks hopeful*

2007-07-05 [Fearathress]: Yea!

2007-07-05 [neoqueen serenity]: /me throws pie at fearathress

2007-07-06 [Fearathress]: *doges it and throws one back at neo.*

2007-07-06 [.Toxic Valentine.]: ack!? that hit me! watch were you throw that.....

2007-07-06 [Fearathress]: *blinds into the background snickering.* yea dest watch wehre you are thowin things. XD

2007-07-07 [neoqueen serenity]: lol
*jumps in front of ana and bear hugs her*

2007-07-07 [.Toxic Valentine.]: *pulls out two pies* haha! *looks evilly*

2007-07-07 [Fearathress]: *me dies from the hug*

2007-07-07 [.Toxic Valentine.]: *looks at you* dont die.. thats .. not nice!

2007-07-07 [Fearathress]: *chokes for air and pushes destiny in a pool* Meanie! XD

2007-07-09 [Robert Mischief]: My, how pleasent we all are...

2007-07-09 [Fearathress]: lol

2007-07-09 [.Toxic Valentine.]: indeed *smiles*

2007-07-09 [Fearathress]: Destiny i need a time.. for i have a bunch of things i have to do.. I now have to make a presentation at the ruinon thingy.. and my sp sucks right now.

2007-07-10 [Raesha]: howdy y'all~! what's up?

2007-07-10 [Fearathress]: Hallo.  Were are just parting. XD

2007-07-10 [Raesha]: oh... did i miss much?

2007-07-10 [Fearathress]: Not realy.

2007-07-10 [Raesha]: goody... wisconsin is a weird place...

2007-07-10 [Fearathress]: lol


2007-07-11 [Raesha]: okay, where would you picture most of america's foreigners to be? i sure as hell didn't expect it to be wisconsin!

2007-07-11 [Fearathress]: Hell no.

2007-07-11 [Raesha]: it's a landlocked state! there were russians and mexicans and germans and there were a few sweds too! and chinese, japanese and tawainese! i met two people who spoke english! TWO!

2007-07-11 [Fearathress]: lol..omg where in hell did u go?

2007-07-11 [Raesha]: wisconsin dells its apparently water park captial of the US... not to mention immigrant heaven...

2007-07-11 [Fearathress]: Water park capital... o.o.. why didnt i know this..

2007-07-11 [Raesha]: few people do... i sure as heck didn't.

2007-07-11 [Fearathress]: Damn.. i am a sad cittizen XD

2007-07-11 [Raesha]: foreighnors suck... and so does my spelling...^^'

2007-07-11 [Fearathress]: lol.. thanks.. i am a german american cittezen.. Xd dont ask that dont make sence.

2007-07-11 [Raesha]: no, i get it. plus, you speak english. that was the worst part, not knowing what they were saying

2007-07-11 [Fearathress]: LOL

Very true.

2007-07-14 [Raesha]: i was very very impatient with them... i did get to practice my spanish though!

2007-07-14 [Fearathress]: lol

2007-07-14 [Raesha]: i remembered how to say we need those chairs! nosotros necisitamos aquellos sillas! haha!

2007-07-14 [Fearathress]: LOL

2007-07-16 [Raesha]: i felt so smart...

2007-07-16 [Fearathress]: lol.. I bet yo udo.

2007-07-17 [Raesha]: ^^'

2007-07-22 [SpiritOfTheWater]: Random convo O_o

2007-07-22 [TheKingdomLight]: >.>

2007-07-22 [SpiritOfTheWater]: Moo-wa ha ha. ^_^

2007-07-22 [TheKingdomLight]: that reminds me of cows ^^

2007-07-23 [SpiritOfTheWater]: Yay me too! ^.^

2007-07-23 [Fearathress]: LOL

2007-07-23 [TheKingdomLight]: ^^ yes?

2007-07-25 [*(.Randi.)*]: *floats in* Hello!

2007-07-25 [Fearathress]: Hallo.

2007-07-25 [Love and Chaos]: ..................WOW..............................................................This is interesting........

2007-07-25 [Fearathress]: lol

2007-07-25 [SpiritOfTheWater]: *sits on her fave green bean bag* VERY interesting. I decided that moving is funderlicious.

2007-07-25 [Fearathress]: realy..

2007-07-25 [SpiritOfTheWater]: Yes. I moved Monday after summer school got out for the day lol. My parents are seperating (finally). I moved closer to all my friends :)

2007-07-25 [Fearathress]: Well, in that case yes it can be reay good.

2007-07-26 [TheKingdomLight]: best freind is moving!!!! like 20 states away to!!! WAAAA!

2007-07-26 [*(.Randi.)*]: Funderlicious - is that a word that should be added to the new word dictionary?

2007-07-27 [Fearathress]: Sounds like a good word to add. Personaly I hate moving, but I guess thats cuz i am a military brat and we move every two to four years. XD

2007-07-27 [TheKingdomLight]: u.u sorry about that ^^

2007-08-02 [Fearathress]: ehh.. one can get used to it. XD So how is everone?

2007-08-02 [*(.Randi.)*]:

2007-08-02 [TheKingdomLight]: stressed out,sick,and lazy as hell!

2007-08-02 [*(.Randi.)*]: -chuckles-

2007-08-02 [TheKingdomLight]: ^^

2007-08-03 [NOOOPE]: Hope you don't mind, I have a link from So you wanna make an emo house? to this page. Just letting you know.

2007-08-04 [Fearathress]: Me, ehh i am on vacation and yet sick, stressed out, and not having a good time.

2007-08-05 [*(.Randi.)*]: Oh that sucks!

2007-08-06 [Fearathress]: Eh.. at least my b-day was a bit better... though I had to say good bye to my mom for another year.

2007-08-06 [TheKingdomLight]: ^^ woot i turned 13 on friday the 13th...
my mommy bought me a pina caloda(sp)

2007-08-06 [*(.Randi.)*]: really! Wow, that's either really rotten luck, or really friggen awesome luck.

2007-08-06 [TheKingdomLight]: friggin awsome luck ! ^^

2007-08-06 [*(.Randi.)*]: Heh. *laughs*

2007-08-06 [TheKingdomLight]: ^^

2007-08-09 [Aki Neko]: Damnit, Ill join as soon as smeone lets e.....

2007-08-09 [Amiantos Khronos]: =/ Uh oh... *points to Roxcie-San's username* There are hearts in that... I can't make those hearts on my computer for some reason, because I have a MAC. And when I edit pages that have hearts on it, then hearts turn to this: ©


2007-08-09 [†Sweets†]: my computer is crap

2007-08-09 [TheKingdomLight]: ♥♀▼♪▒╤ù▒j▲Æ┼◙•◘○♠♣♦♥☻☻☺ܱÜ║4
hehehehee ^^

2007-08-09 [†Sweets†]: thats just a whole bunch of squares

2007-08-09 [Aki Neko]: Not with Mozilla.

2007-08-09 [TheKingdomLight]: not wif my computer ^^

2007-08-09 [TheKingdomLight]: ▒ -♥- ♀ ♥ ♪ -♥- ▒

2007-08-09 [Aki Neko]: What ones for the music note? I havent gotten there yet.

2007-08-09 [TheKingdomLight]: you do alt then 1,3 ^^

2007-08-09 [Aki Neko]: YAY!♪ WOOT!

2007-08-09 [TheKingdomLight]: ^^

2007-08-09 [†Sweets†]: firefox doesnt work on my computer.

2007-08-09 [Aki Neko]: wwwwwwwwwwww.....Sorry.

2007-08-09 [†Sweets†]: it sucks, but im getting use to it...

2007-08-09 [Aki Neko]: ^^

2007-08-09 [Angel In Red]: *steps into the wiki and looks around*

2007-08-09 [Aki Neko]: Woot!

2007-08-09 [Angel In Red]: what?

2007-08-09 [Aki Neko]: Idk.....

2007-08-09 [Angel In Red]: *raises her eyebrow and laughs*

2007-08-09 [Aki Neko]: ^_______________________________________________________________________^

2007-08-09 [Angel In Red]: ok now thats scary

2007-08-09 [Aki Neko]: XD

2007-08-09 [Angel In Red]: *looks freaked and then slowly backs away from u*

2007-08-09 [Aki Neko]: Awwwww.......

2007-08-09 [Angel In Red]: dont aww me young lady.

2007-08-09 [Aki Neko]: XD LITTLE LADY!

2007-08-09 [Angel In Red]: ..shurup.

2007-08-09 [Aki Neko]: XD

2007-08-09 [Angel In Red]: im gonna kill u now.

2007-08-09 [Aki Neko]: *Hides*

2007-08-09 [Angel In Red]: *chases after you with a knife in her hand*


2007-08-09 [Angel In Red]: *jumps and lands on ur back and raises her knife high*

2007-08-09 [Aki Neko]: Meep!!!>.< SILENTY!HELP!

2007-08-09 [Angel In Red]: SILENT NOT HERE.. SILENT SLEEP HAHAHA... *lowers the knife in slow motion*

2007-08-09 [Aki Neko]: *Blinks* Neo has you.....

2007-08-09 [Angel In Red]: huh?

2007-08-09 [Aki Neko]: Your all matrix like! Neo has you!!

2007-08-09 [Angel In Red]: *shakes head* STOP DISTRACTING ME! *glares evilly*


2007-08-09 [Angel In Red]: *scowls and sticks an apple in ur mouth then glares even more evilly until my eyes go red*

2007-08-09 [Aki Neko]: Grafa muf grafa crifes!

2007-08-09 [Angel In Red]: *puts her knife extremely close to you, so its inches away from ur eye*

2007-08-09 [Aki Neko]: *Cries*

2007-08-09 [†Sweets†]: woah!

2007-08-09 [Aki Neko]: Melck!

2007-08-09 [†Sweets†]: melck???

2007-08-09 [Aki Neko]: *Apple in mout*

2007-08-09 [†Sweets†]: ...? *is still lost*

2007-08-09 [Aki Neko]: *Bite down on apple as hard as she could and breaks it. Spits out what she had in her mouth* HELP!

2007-08-09 [†Sweets†]: ...what should i do?

2007-08-09 [Aki Neko]: Nevermind, shes gone...*Stands up* N00b.>>

2007-08-09 [†Sweets†]: oh, so you needed me an hour ago?

2007-08-09 [Aki Neko]: *Nods*

2007-08-09 [†Sweets†]: oh, sorry

2007-08-09 [Aki Neko]: I was kidding.....Rp...

2007-08-10 [Angel In Red]: yeah.. me cant kill her.. unfortunatly

2007-08-10 [The Dark Wolf]: bah... hi every one! ^^

2007-08-10 [Angel In Red]: hallo

2007-08-10 [Aki Neko]: Yo!

2007-08-10 [*(.Randi.)*]: Hey!

2007-08-10 [Aki Neko]: Hiya!

2007-08-10 [*(.Randi.)*]:
What's happenin?

2007-08-10 [Aki Neko]: Dun ask....

2007-08-10 [†Sweets†]: their killing each other veritually ^.^

2007-08-10 [Aki Neko]: Nope.

2007-08-10 [Angel In Red]: No , IM killing HER virtuallyyl.,

2007-08-10 [Aki Neko]: XD

2007-08-10 [†Sweets†]: right

2007-08-10 [Aki Neko]: *Nods*

2007-08-10 [Angel In Red]: yeh mr.. no name e said i cant drink vodka only redbull.. hes mena .. mean.

2007-08-10 [Aki Neko]: *Glomps Red*

2007-08-10 [†Sweets†]: ...why are you killing her?

2007-08-10 [Angel In Red]: im not kailling noboday. has anywone seen mr no name,/.?

2007-08-10 [Aki Neko]: Well whats his name? XD

2007-08-10 [†Sweets†]: <.<'

2007-08-10 [Angel In Red]: he sed huis namee is mr no namee.

2007-08-10 [†Sweets†]: eh

2007-08-10 [Angel In Red]: mr no na,me?

2007-08-10 [Aki Neko]: Ok.

2007-08-10 [†Sweets†]: im sooooo lost....

2007-08-10 [Angel In Red]: M,R NO NAME


2007-08-10 [†Sweets†]: keep spelling his name differntly....

2007-08-10 [Aki Neko]: Red, are you drunk?

2007-08-10 [†Sweets†]: she might be...

2007-08-10 [TheKingdomLight]: ...

2007-08-10 [†Sweets†]: hi link! ^.^

2007-08-10 [*(.Randi.)*]: <( ^_^ )> <(^_^<) <( ^_^ )> (>^_^)>

2007-08-10 [†Sweets†]: *go kirby, go kirby, go kirby*

2007-08-10 [*(.Randi.)*]: ^( ^_^ )^

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